遊戲是學習 www.GameIsLearning.url.tw ar vr教育遊戲式學習 王啟榮 unity教學網站 行動遊戲學習平台

謝東成 老師

E-mail: tungchengh@gmail.com

◎ 研究領域: 遊戲式學習、適性化學習平台設計、人工智慧、

◎ 現職:長榮大學 數位內容設計學系 專案助理教授

◎ 經歷:
  玄奘大學 視覺傳達設計學系 系主任
  玄奘大學 視覺傳達設計學系 專任助理教授
  台北海洋技術學院 數位遊戲與動畫設計學系 專任助理教授
  國立成功大學 外國語文學系 兼任助理

◎ 學歷:
  國立成功大學 工程科學所 博士
  國立成功大學 工程科學所 碩士逕讀
  長榮大學 資訊管理學系

◎ 獲獎紀錄:
  榮獲 103年度科技部延攬特殊優秀人才彈性薪資
  榮獲 102年度科技部延攬特殊優秀人才彈性薪資
  榮獲 2011年全國計算機會議 最佳學生論文獎
  榮獲 2011年 IADIS Information Systems 國際研討會最佳論文獎
  榮獲 2006年電子商務與數位生活研討會佳作論文獎


◎ 經濟部工業局計畫(計畫主持人) 105年度產學特色學程—3D美術專業人才培育計畫

◎ 科技部補助研究計畫(計畫主持人) 探究多人虛擬化身遊戲機制於翻轉教學模式之設計、開發與評估:以國中英文課程為例 (MOST 104-2221-E-364 -001 -)

◎ 科技部補助研究計畫(計畫主持人) 設計與開發適性化情境互動學習系統於輔助英語學習之研究 (MOST 103-2221-E-364 -002 -)

◎ 科技部補助研究計畫(計畫共同主持人) 結合詞彙銜接理論與語法式語言模型於英文文法校正之策略分析、應用與成效評估 (MOST 103-2221-E-130 -008 -)

◎ 國科會補助研究計畫(計畫主持人) 以模糊理論與學習風格建構個人化補救學習環境-以學習C++程式語言為例 (NSC 100-2218-E-229-001)

◎ 教育部補助研究計畫(計畫共同主持人) 100-101年度北區技專校院教學資源中心計畫 建構一情境式船舶駕駛模擬系統教學平台 (3-03-B-1)

◎ 指導科技部補助大專學生計畫(學生姓名:宋雪柔,指導教授:謝東成) 以懷舊風格設計LINE貼圖探討中高齡者使用社群軟體喜好度之研究 (MOST 104-2815-C-364 -001 -H)


◎ Lee, M. C., Chang, J. W., & Hsieh, T. C. (2014). A Grammar-based Semantic Similarity Algorithm for Natural Language Sentences. The Scientific World Journal, 2014(437162), 1-17.

◎ Hsieh, T. C.*, Lee, M. C., & Su, C. Y. (2013). Designing and implementing a personalized remedial learning system for enhancing the programming learning. (SSCI) Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 16(4), 32-46. (Impact Factor: 1.011, Rank: 58/206 in Education & Educational Research)

◎ Hsieh, T. C.* (2013). An Intelligent Tutoring System: Using Formal Concept Analysis and Fuzzy Inference Mechanism to Construct a Suitable Remedial Learning Path for Engineering Education. International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education, 10(2), 9-18.

◎ Hsieh, T. C., Wang, T. I, Su, C. Y., & Lee, M. C. (2012). A fuzzy logic-based personalized learning system for supporting adaptive English learning. (SSCI) Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15(1), 273-288. (Impact Factor: 1.011, Rank: 58/206 in Education & Educational Research)

◎ Lee, M. C., Chang, J. W., Hsieh, T. C., Chen, H. H., & Chen, C. H. (2012). A Sentence Similarity Metric Based on Semantic Patterns. (EI) AISS: Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (ISSN, Print: 1976-3700, Online: 2233-9345), 4(18), 576-585.

◎ Lee, M. C., Chang, J. W., Hsieh, T. C., Wang, T. I, Su, C. Y., Chen, H. H., Chen, C. H. (2012). A Syntactic Based Approach for Evaluating Semantics of Texts. (EI) IJACT: International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 4(21), 220-229.

◎ Wang, T. I, Su, C. Y., & Hsieh, T. C. (2011). Accumulating and visualizing tacit knowledge of teachers on educational assessments. (SSCI) Computers & Education, 57(4), 2212-2223. (Impact Factor: 2.621, Rank: 7/206 in Education & Educational Research)

◎ Lee, M. C., Tsai, K. H., & Hsieh, T. C. (2011). A multi-strategy knowledge interoperability framework for heterogeneous learning objects. (SCI) Expert Systems with Applications, 38(5), 4945-4956. (Impact Factor: 2.203, Rank: 22/111 in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence)

◎ Hsieh, T. C.* & Wang, T. I (2010). A mining-based approach for constructing suitable learning path for documents occasionally collected from Internet. (SCI) Expert Systems with Applications, 37(6), 4156-4167. (Impact Factor: 2.203, Rank: 22/111 in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence)

◎ Tsai, K. H., Wang, T. I, Hsieh, T. C., Chiu, T. K., & Lee, M. C. (2010). Dynamic Computerized Testlet-based Test Generation System by Discrete PSO with Partial Course Ontology. (SCI) Expert Systems with Applications, 37(1), 774-786. (Impact Factor: 2.203, Rank: 22/111 in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence)

◎ Wang, T. I, Hsieh, T. C.*, Tsai, K. H., Chiu, T. K., & Lee, M. C. (2009). Partially Constructed Knowledge for Semantic Query (SCI) Expert Systems with Applications, 36(6), 10168-10179. (Impact Factor: 2.203, Rank: 22/111 in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence)

◎ Lee, C. S., Jiang, C. C., & Hsieh, T. C. (2006). A Genetic Fuzzy Agent Using Ontology Model for Meeting Scheduling System. (SCI) Information Sciences, 176(9), 1131-1155. (Impact Factor: 2.833, Rank: 9/135 in Computer Science, Information Systems)